Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Power of Exercise

My favorite thing to do in order to relieve stress, sorrow, anger or simply just to think, is running along large bodies of water. Since we live downtown, for me that means running on the Harbor. There is something about the tranquility of water and the large doses of endorphins that are secreted when one exercises that just mix so well for me. Well... when I was running on the harbor last Friday it began raining. Not a miserable down pour but more of a light sprinkle that was just enough to be a pleasant cool down rather than a disturbing nuisance. The feeling of the rain pattering on top of my head and spraying in my face combined with the view of the harbor made it one of my most relieving runs ever. As a young man that is so driven by the pressure of success, sometimes I forget about the intimacy of youth and it was just what I needed to give me that much more extra motivation to do something meaningful with my life. To make a long story longer... As soon as the rain began to fall, conveniently the song "Hurricane" by 30 Seconds to Mars Featuring Kanye West came on. Before I was not too impressed by this song but put in the situation I was, it brought new meaning. As much as so many people do not want to except Kanye West and quite Frankly absolutely hate him. The man is a musical GENIOUS. It bothers me when people say that I wish Kanye West would go back to his old roots or be like his old self because he would not be the successful artist he is today without continuously implicating new sounds and flows to his music. It is the same thing every great artist has done for centuries, all the way from The Beatles to Michael Jackson. It is amazing how music can effect the same person differently when put in different scenarios or situations in their current life. Whether it be girl/guy problems, a devastating loss or the need to absorb all the information nature has to offer, music + exercise = WOW. "Oh, the quiet silence defines our misery
The riot inside keeps trying to visit me... And then you call upon God
ohhh, You call upon God"

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